H (Action 1)

Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, Tokyo
Dates: May 13 - 27, 2017
13:00 - 18:00

In an era of social media usage, building up a composite identity of selfies and shared experiences has become how we define our social status. The cult of personality has developed to such a degree that artists too are acutely aware of their presentation as a brand and their artwork as product.

This exhibition is an opportunity to consider this state of affairs in photography. The photographs in this exhibition are attributed to H, which is a symbol for an artist who has suppressed his or her identity in perpetuity. Instead of resting the an artwork’s persuasiveness on the character or charisma of the photographer’s persona, in actions by H (such as exhibitions and publications), the persona has been expunged in its entirety. For the duration of H’s artistic activity, his or her identity won’t be revealed and all communication with the world will be through a representative agent, Ivan Vartanian. Also, H could be a man or a woman. Older or younger. Established or not established. One person or multiple people. All control of presentation, including publications and the sale of artwork, has been assigned to Vartanian, who acts as both agent and executor. Toward that end, the purpose of this exhibition is also to publicly announce the nature and terms of H as on ongoing project. It serves as a social contract, committing all parties to the established terms.
Released on the same day, the H's first two actions will be 1- an exhibition of color work held at the Yutaka Kikutake Gallery and 2- the publication of a photobook published by Akaakasha and comprised of monochromatic suburban landscapes.


Related Events:

"I am not H," a talk event with Takashi Homma.

May 27 (Saturday), 3pm



Title: ISBN 978-4-86541-063-1 C0072

Akaakasha, 2017

297 x 210, 184 Pages

Retail Price: 5,400 JPY

(c) 2017 H. Courtesy Ivan Vartanian.

(c) 2017 H. Courtesy Ivan Vartanian.