
multiple - roadside tree

Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, Tokyo
Jun 11 - Jul 30, 2016
13:00 - 18:00

Opening Reception with the Artists:Saturday, Jun 11, 18:00 - 20:00

Yutaka Kikutake Gallery is pleased to present “multiple – roadside tree,” an exhibition of works by Nerhol from June 11th to July 30th, 2016.

Nerhol’s exhibition “Promenade” is currently being held from May 21st to August 28th at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, marking the duo’s very first museum presentation within Japan. “Promenade,” comprises of extremely large-scale works measuring 240cm high by 300cm wide that have been based on “multiple – roadside tree,” Nerhol’s latest series that appropriates a felled roadside tree as its motif. As suggested by the word ‘multiple’ (that which is mass produced), Nerhol sliced a single roadside tree into thin increments and documented the process one by one through over a hundred photographs. 50 different patterns were selected from this accumulation of images, produced as A3 size works and published in a catalogue in correspondence to the exhibition.

The exhibition at Yutaka Kikutake Gallery will present the 50 original works featured in the catalogue, replacing the exhibited works on an irregular basis so as to introduce the entire series. Roadside trees while each embodying a rich sense of individuality are at the same time often considered as an aggregation of anonymous identities. Amidst this context, Nerhol’s works serve to instill the tree with a new appearance, and through it provides us viewers living in a continuously expanding, urbanized society surrounded by mass-produced anonymous “commodities,” with the opportunity to pause for a moment and broaden our perspectives to a further degree.


An opening reception with the artist in attendance is scheduled to take place on the first day of the exhibition.


  • Nerhol exhibition: “Promenade”

Venue: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa Period: May 21st (Sat) – August 28th (Sun), 2016

*for any queries regarding the exhibition, please contact themuseum directly.



  • Exhibition catalogue: “Promenade multiple – roadside tree”

Publication date: Early June 2016, Retail Price: 2700 yen (tax incl.), Published by My Book Service and Yutaka Kikutake Gallery.

*For the duration of the exhibition at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, the publication will be available to purchase at the special price of 1,890 yen (tax incl.) at the museum shop and Yutaka Kikutake Gallery.

Nerhol "multiple - roadside tree" 2016, Inkjet print, 29.7 x 37.3 cm