Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, Tokyo
September 22 - November 11, 2017
13:00 - 18:00
Closing reception with the artists: Saturday, November 11, 18:00 - 20:00
Yutaka Kikutake Gallery is pleased to present “Strange Attractor,” an exhibition of latest works by Nerhol from September 22 to November 11, 2017.
As subjects for their new works presented in the exhibition, Nerhol has selected a range of motifs such as cars driving through congested traffic, tulips in bloom that have been planted for people to appreciate, swans swimming across the lake without regard of being seen, the sky on a bright and sunny day with its unperceivable sense of depth, as well as that of people. Such things are seemingly commonplace within the world, yet when confronting each respective work over time, what appears to emerge are images that instill viewers with a certain sense of unease and incongruity. These new works serve to open up a new realm of practice for Nerhol, who through the medium of photographs have continued to distort their subjects in a manner encroaching on violence.
Throughout their oeuvre, Nerhol has engaged in studies to reconsider things that exist within the world from their very fundamental basis, in a context beyond their mere appearance, and beyond the reality that is conceived from the coalescence of meanings and values that surround them. In these latest works they have extracted specific frames from the recorded footage of such aforementioned subjects, and after reducing the existences that reside within the flowing realm of video once more into still images, transforms them into forms of existence that are different from their original. From these figures carved through uniquely distinct means and which almost manifest before our eyes as illusion, what can we, as viewers living amidst this world constituted by uncertainty, indeed sense and perceive?