Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, Tokyo
October 17 - November 21, 2015
13:00 - 18:00
Opening Reception with the Artist: Saturday, Oct 17, 18:00 - 20:00
Yutaka Kikutake Gallery is pleased to present “given,” a solo exhibition of works by Norimichi Hirakawa from October 17th to November 21st, 2015. Marking Hirakawa’s first solo presentation at Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, the exhibition will feature five works consisting of a precise accumulation of lines conveyed on film, drawn using a large drafting pen and based on algorithms created by the artist. In addition, the exhibition will introduce a new silkscreen work inspired by the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field.
As the very motif of his works, Hirakawa in recent years has appropriated irreversible phenomena, created through computer programs that are based on a single rule (algorithm) designed by himself. Although each phenomenon can be defined through several finite figures (parameters) that serve to determine its characteristics, it is by no means an overstatement that its variations are essentially infinite in comparison to the amount of visual information processed within an individual’s lifetime. This is similar to the fact that no same person exists in the world, despite the finite amount of information present within human DNA. Hirawaka thus decided to give name to one of such computational outcomes that emerged as a consequence of calculations based on specific figures implemented through his own written program.
In the exhibition, such outcomes are not presented as two-dimensional images, but instead are recorded to embody a more subtle expression in the form of an accumulation of delicate strokes. Furthermore, the exhibition will simultaneously present a work conveying a galaxy (conceived as a result of stretching optical light in correspondence to the expansion of the universe) captured via infrared, and materialized through a silkscreen technique using ultraviolet.
Norimichi Hirakawa was born in 1982. His works, centralizing in computer programmed audiovisual installations, have been presented at national and international art exhibitions as well as the Media Arts Festivals. He is a recipient of numerous awards including the Award of Distinction at Prix Ars
Electronica in 2008. Hirakawa has been involved in a wide range of activities, working with individuals such as Ryoji Ikeda, Yoshihide Otomo, and Seiko Mikami, and has started live performances as Typingmonkeys.
Norimichi Hirakawa “Alice” from the series portraits, 2015
bollpoint pen on PET film 900 x 900 mm ⓒNorimichi Hirakawa