Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, Tokyo
TOKYO : Feb 19 – Apr 2
Futoshi Miyagi, Gozo Yoshimasu, Yusho Takiguchi
Opening Reception: Friday, Feb 19, 18:00 - 20:00
TIME MACHINE : Apr 8 – May 21
Hirofumi Isoya, Jomi Kim, Tomoharu Murakami,
Erika Kobayashi
Closing Reception: Saturday, May 21
Guest curator: Hikotaro Kanehira
Yutaka Kikutake Gallery is pleased to present the group exhibition, “TOKYO, TIME MACHINE, and then…” The exhibition is a successive project consisting of two parts entitled “TOKYO” from February 19th (Fri) to April 2nd (Sat), and “TIME MACHINE” from April 8th (Fri) to May 21st (Sat), and features installations by Hirofumi Isoya and Jomi Kim, film and photographs by Futoshi Miyagi, paintings by Tomoharu Murakami, a newly written novel by Yusho Takiguchi, winner of the Akutagawa Prize, and works by Erika Kobayashi and Gozo Yoshimasu who engage in practices that crossover between art and literature.
Within our daily lives we find that various time axis run in parallel as well as mix and interact with one another. There are times when our thoughts reach out to others, instances when we busily immerse ourselves in work in a harrying sense of time urgency, or moments when we are so absorbed that we simply forget the passing of time. Although these are all the same ‘time’ that we experience, they indeed cannot be measured against a single clock.
The artists introduced in the exhibition are creators whom respectively engage in and confront such notions of time that cannot be measured unanimously, and further the awareness that emerges from its current. The numerous layers of time and its representation that is instilled within the works liberate our awareness from the stereotypical concepts of time as we experience it in the everyday, and whilst giving an account of another world, invite the viewers to set foot upon a myriad of journeys towards “time.” The exhibition attempts to bring to light and serve as a point of discussion regarding the various presences of “time.”
Hirofumi Isoya "Southland(17:45:07)" 2015
Futoshi Miyagi "Tokyo Probably" 2009